Thursday, September 10, 2009


Choosing the right beach
Deciding which beach is best for your day in the sun will help make the most of your time at the water. Some beaches cater to the kids while others are adult friendly. Maybe you want to surf, go snorkeling or simply lay on the sand. Deciding on what you want your beach day to include will help narrow down the best option for you.

Getting refueled and staying refreshed
One of the most important tasks for you to complete while at the beach is staying hydrated. Keep plenty of water on hand. It may also be a wise idea to cut back on the sugar drinks. Also, find out if the beach is near any restaurants or if there is a cafeteria on hand. Another great idea is to pack your own cooler that way you can ensure everyone is eating a healthy and balanced meal.

Rentals available?
Gone are the days when a towel would suffice. Now, there are umbrellas, chairs, inflatable water toys and coolers every ten feet. However, you may not need to lug everything around. Check to see if you can rent some of the larger items. Be careful of the cost though renting can be more expensive than purchasing a cheap alternative.

Are there lifeguards?
The beaches that have strong currents and riptides tend to provide lifeguards but not always. If the beach does not have this service see what type of water conditions it is known for. However, even if there is a lifeguard on hand each person should be responsible for his or her own safety. The water can be an absolute blast, but it can turn on you so always keep an eye on the shoreline to ensure you arent too far out.

Does it offer motorized water activities?
For those seeking a bit more adventure you may want to find out if you can rent a personal watercraft, sailboat or those really cool water bikes. You may be able to bring your own but there will probably be a loading and unloading fee.

Pack fun water activities
Who says you need to have speed for fun? Pack your own bag full of great activities and the day will fly by. Snorkel gear, paddleball, beach volleyball and soccer are only a few of the activities you can enjoy. Besides, you never know what new friends you might meet.

Protect yourself
We are living in a day and age where we have great information on the harmful affects of the suns rays. Take along a good sunscreen (sorry SPF 4 doesnt really cut it), sunglasses and a hat. Again, ensure that you and your gang are drinking lots of water and please, avoid bringing the oil. You are not a turkey that requires basting.

Get some shade
One of the highlights of playing alongside the water is that you can enjoy the refreshing winds that come off of the water. However, that breeze helps you forget that you are in the sun so take the time to get some shade. Heatstroke is a horrible feeling and something that can be avoided.

Keep it the way you found it
Nobody likes a litterbug so come prepared. Bring an empty plastic bag for your garbage and take it to the nearest bin. It is great for the environment and it also helps eliminate that funky beach odor. Probably safe to assume that most would prefer the fresh air over a day-old sandwich left in the sun. Yuck.

Packing up
When you pack up at the end of the day check around you to see if you have left anything behind. It is a good idea to bring a few extra plastic bags along for the wet towels and bathing suits. Also, take the time to cool down your car. Remember, it has been sitting in the sun as long as you have been.